maagiline melaniini sponge for cleaning without pesuvahenditeta

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Delivery: home 3-4wd
Products ID: 998433
Partnumber: 078 018*97-026
My car VIRAGE Magic Sponge on melaniini pad, which cleans effectively without pesuvahenditeta. Tegemist on product, which is turul olnud even aastaid. Moje car Brand otsustas It's pakkumises tutvustada, sest It's pakutavaid eeliseid hindab each driver. Hooldatud for cars armastajad saavad Product, which is completely safe praktiliselt every surface, millega sponge together puutub. Ainus tingimus on, et it is used according to manufacturer soovitustele. Magic sponge in other words melamiinvaht on cleaning accessory, which suitable for excellently your car for maintenance. product Can be used many times, it is not needed kombineerida kemikaalidega. enough mõnest milliliitrist from water and kümnekonnast õrnast hõõrumisest, et võlukäsna correctly to use. material, millest it is manufactured, Decreases significantly scratch ohtu cleaned surface.


plastic välisliistud,
and domestic for use.
before Product using is recommended katsetada It's toimimist nähtamatul surface. the same important on also not rub with sponge puhastusprotsessi ajal liiga heavily. manufacturer recommends teha more õrnasid movements kui pair strong liigutust.

Sa vajad:
Moje car VIRAGE maagiline sponge,
pair milliliitrit puhast water.
pitch 1
open fooliumpakend and take sponge out. don't unustage visata package with yellow with bag prügikasti!

2. pitch
NIISUTAGE with sponge with water
Maagiline sponge Works like kustutuskumm. Puhastusomaduste for activation tuleks it aga moisture clean with water. enough mõnest milliliitrist, et product oleks ready to use.

3. pitch
PIGISTA excessive water out
Pigista excessive water out. sponge not allowed to be liiga wet. this works most better after niisutamist and excess water väljapressimist. making doesn't require pesuvahendite using. Saladus on melaniin, which for water lisatuna indicates puhastusomadusi.

4. pitch
wash cleaned surface
clean surface, by rubbing it gently wet with sponge. stain kaob like võluväel. sponge Works like kustutuskumm, by removing entire dirt neither kahjusta cleaned surfaces. due to oma õrnale formulation ensures this safe cleaning without kriimustusteta.

5. pitch
rinse with sponge and use again or PANE this to dry
sponge absorbs endasse entire dirt, nii et bigger alade cleaning tuleks it regulaarselt rinse. after loputamist on product again fully work condition and valmis edasiseks for use. due to to it on Moje car VIRAGE Magic Sponge reusable product. after work completion rinse sponge thoroughly, squeeze water out and let then fully to dry.

Võlusäsn may osutuda asendamatuks heavy stains eemaldamisel autoistmepolstrilt (va leather). Samamoodi removes this dirt car plastosadelt, also dirt, which is caused jalatsi friction. it saab successfully to use also dried bugs for removal from windscreen. Kui meil pole käepärast professionaalset puhastusvahendit, replaces It's võlukäsn. this removes effectively even these stains, which is olnud on glass several days. Samamoodi you can to use with sponge dirt for cleaning plastic põrkerauadelt. Nii paljud Areas of use make Product üllatavalt mitmekülgseks.

product on small size, nii et this fits easily for car. Võlukäsna eelistest peaks kasu saama each driver, kes hindab car interior korrasolekut.

take sponge home! control what VEEL SAAD with this to clean!
Moje car VIRAGE Magic Sponge on Universal product, which suitable for well also kodukoristuses. It's abil you can to clean grout lines, to remove põrandapaneelidelt scratches and to clean even walls! Kui your at home on lapsi, saab võlukäsnast your lemmik cleaner. Te no karda joonistusi seinal neither small hand traces. all, what vajate, on little bit water and töötavat MOje car VIRAGE Magic Sponge!


Moje Auto was founded in 2004 and entered the Polish market with six basic car care products. Over the years, the product range has expanded, and now Moje Auto is a leading manufacturer in the market of car cosmetics and chemicals.

The quality of the products is confirmed by consumer research and product tests by Polish industry magazines. The portfolio of the brand is constantly expanding and includes care products necessary throughout the year.

Moje auto offers:
•    professional car cosmetics
•    coolants
•    car wipes
•    car accessories
•    car perfumes
•    cosmetics and accessories