Life jackets


Ujuvvestil ja päästevestil on suur vahe.

Kui vette kukkunu ei ole mingil põhjusel teadvusel, (põhjuseid võib olla palju: keha alajahtunud, põrutus, füüsiline vigastus) siis on oluline , et seljas oleks just päästevest, mitte ujuvvest. Päästevesti abil tõuseb vette kukkunu vee peale, ka aitab päästevest hoida pead veest väljas ning keerab vette kukkunu õiget pidi. Pea hoidmiseks on sellisel vestil krae. Lisaks nn. tavalisele päästevestile on olemas veel ka päästevestid mis täituvad CO2 gaasi abil. Neid veste nimetatakse ka paukvestideks ning neil on reeglina pead toetav krae. Paukvestid võivad olla nii manuaalselt kui automaatselt (kokkupuutel veega) gaasiga täituvad, ning selleks on vestil CO2 balloon.
Lisaks päästevestile on olemas ka ujuvvestid , sageli nimetatakse neid ka ohuvest või siis ohutusvest. Need vestid ei ole sobilikud kauaaegseks vees püsimiseks. Ujuveest ei taga keha õiget asendit vees, seega vette sattunu tuleb kiiresti veest välja tuua. Ujuvvest sobib seega kasutamiseks kui abi on lähedal ning kandja oskab hästi ujuda ning ei ole kaotanud vees teadvust.
Päästevahendite klassifitseerimisel kasutatakse mõistet kandevõime ning neid tähistatakse 50 N, 100 N, 150 N, 275 N (N – njuuton).

50N- Kasutatakse kui päästeabi on ligiduses, ei ole päästevest vaid ohutusvest
100N- Kasutamiseks rannalähedases vees
150N- Kasutamiseks avamere äärmuslikes tingimustes, halva ilma riietusega
275N- Kasutamiseks avamere äärmuslikes tingimustes, raskete tööriiete korral

Rohkem infot päästevestide kohta leiad siit.

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Available 2pc. suitable vest can be found to measure dogs neck from behind up to handle alguseni. Small 23cm, Medium 28cm, Large 34cm, Extra Large 38cm To size your dog lifejacket simply measure your dog from the back of the neck to the base of its tail and then look at the lengths given below: Jackets length from tail to back of neck. Small 23cm, Medium 28cm, Large 34cm, Extra Large 38cm Or another solution is ...
Products ID: 6188
Partnumber: 1031102
Brand: Marinepool
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket for a dog dimensions XL
2 pictures
Available 1pc. Special life jacket for dogs with handle for retrieval from water, size XL special Lifejacket for dogs. The vest on handle dog from water out for pulling. Marinepool is one of world's biggest and wellknown manufacturer of Life Jackets! Marinepool Life Jackets have internationally accepted CE marking. while sailing on sea it is always wise to wear Life Jacket Marinepool on üks maailmas tuntumaid pu...
Products ID: 20858
Partnumber: 1041565
Brand: Marinepool
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10043
Partnumber: PV953510100N20
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10044
Partnumber: PV953510100N30
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10045
Partnumber: PV953510100N40
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10046
Partnumber: PV953210100N60
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10047
Partnumber: PV953510100N70
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10049
Partnumber: PV953510100N90+
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Lifejacket _. Vest corresponds to CE EN 395-100N European requirements. A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing essential safety equipment for passenger and commercial vessels, offshore installations and vessels, the defence sector, industrial fire fighting as well as lei...
Products ID: 10048
Partnumber: PV953510100N90
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 4-5wd
Special life jacket for dogs with handle for retrieval from water and with reflective bands and pocket with zippe Marinepool on üks maailmas tuntumaid purjetamise riiete, merendusriiete, päästevestide, ja merendusohutustarvikute tootjaid. Marinepoolil on rohkem kui 2000 jaemüügi partnerit ning esindused 38 riigis. Marinepool on Euroopa suurim päästevestide tootja vabaaja turule.
Products ID: 20859
Partnumber: 1034741
Brand: Marinepool
Delivery: home 7-9wd
Special life jacket for dogs with handle for retrieval from water and with reflective bands and pocket with zipper Marinepool on üks maailmas tuntumaid purjetamise riiete, merendusriiete, päästevestide, ja merendusohutustarvikute tootjaid. Marinepoolil on rohkem kui 2000 jaemüügi partnerit ning esindused 38 riigis. Marinepool on Euroopa suurim päästevestide tootja vabaaja turule.
Products ID: 20861
Partnumber: 1034740
Brand: Marinepool
Delivery: home 7-9wd
Special life jacket for dogs with handle for retrieval from water and with reflective bands and pocket with zipper Marinepool on üks maailmas tuntumaid purjetamise riiete, merendusriiete, päästevestide, ja merendusohutustarvikute tootjaid. Marinepoolil on rohkem kui 2000 jaemüügi partnerit ning esindused 38 riigis. Marinepool on Euroopa suurim päästevestide tootja vabaaja turule.
Products ID: 20862
Partnumber: 1034708
Brand: Marinepool
Delivery: home 7-9wd
Lifejacket - lifejacket. with a balloon or full by blowing. 33g CO2 balloon. corresponds to EN ISO 12402-3 / 12402-6 requirements, Approved _. weight 40 kg and more. HRC automatic or manual inflation system Fitted with lifting becket, whistle crotch strap and strap for light A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader ...
Products ID: 20856
Partnumber: PV9274209910
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 7-9wd
$128.70 -4%
Lifejacket - lifejacket. with a balloon or full by blowing. 33g CO2 balloon. corresponds to EN ISO 12402-3 / 12402-6 requirements, Approved _. weight 40 kg and more. HRC automatic or manual inflation system Fitted with lifting becket, whistle crotch strap and strap for light A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader ...
Products ID: 20868
Partnumber: PV9273509910
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 7-9wd
automatic Lifejacket - lifejacket. 33g CO2 balloon. corresponds to EN ISO 12401 / 12402-3 / 12402-6 requirements, Approved _. weight 40 kg and more. HRC automatic Fitted with lifting becket, whistle crotch strap and strap for light A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing ...
Products ID: 20870
Partnumber: 91PV927350992000011
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 7-9wd
automatic Lifejacket - lifejacket. 33g CO2 balloon. corresponds to EN ISO 12401 / 12402-3 / 12402-6 requirements, Approved _. weight 40 kg and more. HRC automatic Fitted with lifting becket, whistle crotch strap and strap for light A truly global provider offering cost-effective and convenient service where and when you need it VIKING is a market leader in maritime safety, providing and servicing ...
Products ID: 20869
Partnumber: PV9273509912
Brand: Viking
Delivery: home 7-9wd
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