Computer accessories


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Available 2pc. small compact speakers sülearvutitele and lauaarvutitele. easy contains apply and to keep, these no take laual space. these ensure clear and natural sound. Elegantne design suitable for perfectly LCD-screens and other accessories. these compatible all USB-väljundiga arvutitega. speakers black be connected arvuti or sülearvutiga through 3,5 mm audio mini Jack sockets and toidetakse USB-pordi kaudu,...
Products ID: 980363
Partnumber: 66-376
Delivery: home 6-9wd
Aux Bluetooth adapter USB toitega
3 pictures
Baseuse AUX kaabliadapter on wireless Bluetooth-adapter, which has 3,5 mm Socket Plug, which can be connected AUX sisendiga or which tahes heliseadmega, which has possibility sellist plugs to connect. Device toiteallikaks on USB-port and it is used only selleks - it saab vabalt toita, for example charger or powerbank-i kaudu. Otsene connection No matter millise helivastuvõtjaga AUX-i kaudu ensures...
Products ID: 686314
Partnumber: 290488
Delivery: home 4-5wd
$13.90 -21%
very effective high-pressure tool for removing dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places. not flammable. leaves no residue. odorless. the aerosol black be at room temperature. processing temperature 5 – 30 °c motip non-flammable dust remover consists of ecological and 100% non-flammable gas, which has a small effect on climate warming. it is compatible with all materials. useful tool for removing du...
Products ID: 326135
Partnumber: 090408
Brand: Motip
Delivery: home 4-5wd
$16.30 -7%
Soundbar arvuti speakers MS-31 Blow
4 pictures
Available 1pc. possible to connect speaker USB- and 3,5 mm miniJack-technology toetavate seadmetega (for example telefon, nutitelefon, tablet), esitatakse your lemmikmuusikat without tarbetute piiravate kaabliteta. Excellent sound quality Vaatamata to a small mõõtmetele on kõlaril Excellent sound, high helikvaliteedi ensure two speakers koguvõimsusega 6W. perfect mängude and filmide .. speakers multicolor taustv...
Products ID: 1161189
Partnumber: 66-403
Brand: Blow
Delivery: home 6-9wd
Available 1pc. set kahest arvutikõlarist with võimalusega to connect these üheks 2IN1 mooduliks. Kõlaritel on Bluetooth-function, which allows wireless ühendust seadmetega, also built-in multicolor RGB LED-taustvalgus. additional functions due to built-in Bluetooth-funktsioonile allow speakers wireless ühendust with Bluetooth seadmetega. in addition on ühel kõlaril volume regulaator, which allows to adjust sound...
Products ID: 980362
Partnumber: 66-379
Delivery: home 6-9wd
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