polstripuhastus textile for cleaning antibacterial ANTIBACTTERICO 3 in one 750 ML

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Products ID: 749341
Partnumber: 063 934*19-641
Moje car Antibactterico 3in1 car sisustuse cleaner new

neutralizes effectively unpleasant odors,
cleans and disinfects upholstery and plastic,
this Kills baktereid and pärmiseeni.

Polsterduse cleaner and desinfitseerimisvahend. product on bakteritsiidsed and pärmiseente vastased Features. Biotsiidi loa number: 8048/20

stained upholstery pole only esteetiline probleem. also on this elupaik bakteritele, which cause ebameeldivaid odors and kujutavad tõsist ohtu reisijatele. these on especially dangerous väikelastele and imikutele, therefore tasub polstreid regulaarselt desinfitseerida. Moje car Antibactterico 3in1 Upholstery cleaner on product, which has cleaning- and desinfitseerimisomadused. it is safe and easily to use and ensures soft surfaces and plastic hügieenilise cleanliness.

  • Sa vajad:
  • Moje car Antibactterico 3in1 substance
  • for cleaning big pooridega sponge, fabric or brush,
  • Car vacuum cleaner,
  • with sponge for flushing bucket puhast water.

pitch 1
cleaned surface
before cleaning and desinfitseerimist clean upholstery by vacuuming. from surface eelnev thorough dust removal ensures preparaadi efficacy. also remove plastics desinfitseerimisel dust and other saasteained.

2. pitch
use agent
spray polstile approximately 20 sentimeetri distance. Moje car Antibactterico 3in1  puhastusvahendi surface kandmisel be sure that, et katate entire puhastatava surface thoroughly.

3. pitch
wait pair minutes
according to manufacturer soovitusele wait 5 minutes after Moje car Antibactterico 3in1 puhastusvahendi surface has been applied. it is time, mil agents hävitavad all bacteria and pärmiseened and lähevad stained surface keemilisse reaktsiooni.

4. pitch
clean surface
5 minutes has passed clean surface. for plastic parts . you can to use niisket cloth or big pooridega with sponge. brush Can be used very stained polsterduse .. this hoolimata on most right to clean wet with sponge. rub surface, up to stain on eemaldatud.

5. pitch
Kui upholstery on oma paints taastanud, on time preparaat to remove. Selleks rinse with sponge clean with water, squeeze and rub cleaned surface thoroughly. Selline "cleaning" võimaldab teil to remove dirt sidunud preparaadi remnants.

look video
Te teate even much tootest, but kas soovite teada, kuidas this praktikas töötab? Pole midagi lihtsamat! Vaadake lühikest video, which gives teile teada, kuidas product Works and milliseid efekte te due to to it you can.

Moje car Antibactterico 3in1 substance - lühidalt

Moje car upholstery Antibactterico on big performance product, which offers much eeliseid, millega each driver rahul to be saab. Vastuseks turult tulevatele signaalidele otsustas Moje car Brand out to work and tutvustada professionaalset agent polsterduse and all car plastic elements for cleaning and for disinfection. Product use restores upholstery endise appearance. this näeb much noorem out, kui this tegelikult on. material restores oma endise värvisügavuse and at the same time disappear all kiududesse hõõrutud Water stains and jookide and toiduainete stains. for car stays meeldiv odor, which Changes each travel juhile and reisijatele meeldivaks.

clean and safe

Moje car upholstery Antibactterico pole not only cleaning, only also desinfitseeriv product. it has bakteritsiidsed and pärmiseeni hävitavad Features, what kinnitab biotsiidiga kauplemise loa number: 8048/20. Agendi regular use tähendab reisimisel ohutust. driver and reisijad hingavad better quality air, which is their hingamisteedele less invasiivne. Product eeliseks on also It's speed and using lihtsus. enough preparaadi has been applied polsterdusele 20 sentimeetri distance and keemilise reaktsiooni tekkimisel alustage 5 minutes has passed cleaning wet with sponge, with cloth or brush. Moje car Antibactterico  on product, which after katsetamist changes in every garaažis and in workshop quickly kohustuslikuks tooteks.


Moje Auto was founded in 2004 and entered the Polish market with six basic car care products. Over the years, the product range has expanded, and now Moje Auto is a leading manufacturer in the market of car cosmetics and chemicals.

The quality of the products is confirmed by consumer research and product tests by Polish industry magazines. The portfolio of the brand is constantly expanding and includes care products necessary throughout the year.

Moje auto offers:
•    professional car cosmetics
•    coolants
•    car wipes
•    car accessories
•    car perfumes
•    cosmetics and accessories