Universal cleaner neutral 1L

Goods available only in e-shop

Delivery: home 7-9wd
Products ID: 627578
Partnumber: 064 327*14-021
Brand: Tecmaxx
removes grease and greases
removes a variety of dirt
aluminium, steel, glass, plastic
on BIO -lagunev

neutral cleaner

multipurpose product, which is intended to garage, car garage and other ruumide dirt for cleaning and for removal. Täiuslikult rasvatustab and washes tools, different type aiatehnikat, autoosi and plastic and plastic elemente. also suitable for this excellently stainless steel for cleaning. this works very effectively, leaving surface clean. it Can be used also oil, grease, rohu, coffee and tee stains for removal tööriietelt. this Doesn't contain petroleum solvents. long kasutusalade loetelu tähendab, et it product no peaks leidma not only garaažis or in workshop, only this peaks be also handy product everywhere, where me oleme, and on oht eespool nimetatud dirt tekkeks. Neutraalse remover second ​​eelis on capacity, which is as much as 1l, which mõjutab It's tõhusust positiivselt.

NÄITEKASUTUSED: tool, tööriiete, plastic elements, plastic elements for cleaning.

1 pitch
Apply surface.

2 pitch
wait a little.

3 pitch
wipe paberrätiku, wet with cloth or with sponge clean.