without cable käsitolmuimeja cvh 2-4

Goods available only in e-shop

Delivery: home 3-4wd
Products ID: 1314298
Partnumber: 1.198-450.0
Brand: Kärcher

exchangeable with battery and especially flexible: käsitolmuimeja CVH 2-4 on always ready to use and fast käepärast paljudeks köögis, elutoas, magamistoas or car salongis tehtavateks puhastustöödeks. this removes easily dirt, like puru, karvad and dust. 2-in-1 lõheotsik ensures cleanliness tundlikel on surfaces and difficulty accessible places. light and compact disainiga Car vacuum cleaner võimaldab ergonoomilist and hügieenilist work without mustusega together puutumata. 2-positions filtrisüsteem ensures clean väljatõmbeõhu. 4 V Kärcheri exchangeable battery doesn't include tarnekomplekti. compatible all 4 V Kärcheri akutoiteseadmetega.

Features and tulu
without cable käsitolmuimeja CVH 2-4: 4 V Kärcheri akutoide: exchangeable battery available separately tarvikuna
4 V Kärcheri akutoide: exchangeable battery available separately tarvikuna
maximum paindlikkus and longer operating time due to täiendavale battery. longlasting, safe and powerful due to liitiumioonelementidele. compatible all 4 V Kärcheri akutoiteseadmetega.
without cable käsitolmuimeja CVH 2-4: compact, easy and for immediate use valmis
compact, easy and for immediate use valmis
due to praktilistele for accessories on each ajal ready to use and mitmekülgselt to use.
without cable käsitolmuimeja CVH 2-4: two step filtrisüsteem
two step filtrisüsteem
very effective: terasvõrgust eelfilter jämeda dirt ., peenfilter clean väljatõmbeõhu ..
big puhastusvõimsus
  • optimal suction capacity each type väiksemateks puhastustöödeks.
Praktilised accessories
  • suitable for õrnadele surfaces and difficulty accessible places.
washable filter and tolmumahuti
  • easy to clean voolava water all and it saab again to use.

Technical specifications

Akutoitel device  
battery platvorm 4 V battery platvorm
container (l) 0,15
Nominal power (W) 54
operating time, max. režiim (min) 10
voltage (V) nominaal 3,6 - 3,7 - max. 4,2
needed minevate batteries number (pc.) 1
battery operating time one charging (min) max. 10 (2,5 Ah)
weight without accessory equipment (kg) 0,6
weight, sh package (kg) 1,2
dimesions (length x width x height) (mm) 359 x 76 x 77

Scope of supply

  • version: battery and charger not included
  • 2-in-1 praootsik
  • HEPA filter: Filter HEPA (EN 1822:1998)