oil for transmission gearbox.75W MTF/3 75W O.E.M. 20L

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Delivery: home 7-9wd
Products ID: 1227008
Partnumber: 071 217*MN8115-20
Brand: Mannol
mannool mtf-3

Universal, energiasäästlik, latest generation all year round Gear oil, Fully synthetic, developed specially for for use Toyota and Fordi for cars robot- and manual gearboxes (Note: not all manuaalkäigukastidele). käsitleb ülekandmise juhtumeid and erinevusi. developed Toyota kontserni nõuete on plate.

Product Features:
- unique highest quality synthetic stand, ideal viscosity wide temperature range, kombineerituna uusima generation additives, ensure ületamatud hõõrdevastased Features, which ensures olulise kütusesäästu and very smooth gear shift;

- due to oma ainulaadsele formulation ensures great anti-wearing Features and with extreme pressure, which prolongs significantly equipment lifetime in all, also most in extreme töörežiimides wide surrounding keskkonna temperature range. on suurendanud õlikile durability kõrgetele rõhkudele and suurenenud nihkekindlust;

- ensures great Features at low at temperatures, which ensures easy käivitamise, reliable lubrication, aga also smooth, easy and accurate gear shift each ümbritseval at temperature (up to -45°C) and in all working conditions;

- protects effectively lakkimise and sünkroniseerimisrõnga ummistumise eest;

- prevents effectively air and frothing and on With excellent jahutavate properties. on small aurustumiskadu;

- on entire elutsükli jooksul suurendanud termilist, termooksüdatiivset and keemilist stabiilsust and durability termilisele lagunemisele at high at temperatures. this võimaldab to reduce mud, varnish, grime and other carbon lademete formation, to extend significantly õlivahetuste vahelisi intervals and tagada hammasülekande parts durability, which Decreases hoolduskulusid;

- due to special inhibiitorite lisamisele protects this effectively metallosasid black and non-ferrous metals sulamite corrosion eest nii working and also seisu ajal;

- ensures excellent ühilduvuse tihendusmaterjalidega, prevents their paisumist, kõvenemist and kokkutõmbumist, which Decreases varuosade maksumust and prevents leaks;

- Decreases noise.

recommended to use Toyota, BMW, Volkswageni, Volvo, Fordi etc for cars manual gearboxes according to car manufacturers ülaltoodud requirements.

järgige kasutusjuhendis toodud manufacturer instructions.

standardid and fastenings

international classification
for example 75w
api gl-4

manufacturers Specifications
toyota lv
nissan lv mtf-1
mb 235,71
Volkswagen G 052 798
Volkswagen G 052 727
Volkswagen G 052 749
volkswagen tl 521 71 (g 052 171 a1)
volkswagen tl 521 71 (g 052 171 a2)
volkswagen tl 521 78 (g 052 178 a2)
volkswagen tl 525 12 (g 052 512 a2)
volkswagen tl 726 (g 052 726 a2)
volkswagen tl 726 (g 055 726 a2)
volkswagen tl 726 (g 060 726 a2)
volkswagen tl 726 (g 070 726 a2)
BMW 83 220 396 706
BMW 83 22 7 533 818
BMW 2300 7533 818
BMW mtf lt-2
ford wss-m2c200-d2
psa 9730 a8
Toyota 08885-81081
Volvo 1161838
Volvo 1161839
other jws 2271