textile Microfiber 40X40 APT BLACK

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Products ID: 1102376
Partnumber: 19-663 AMTRA
with laser lõigatud microfibre
Perfect waxes, covers and kiirdetailide lappimiseks
suitable for excellently textile- and nahkpolstri for cleaning and for maintenance
may to use also glass and LCD screens for cleaning
High-quality bristles and with laser lõigatud servad ensure safety scratch eest

Moje car Detaileri APT Black (all Purpose Towel) microfibre on õmblusteta with laser lõigatud dense and short hunnikuga microfibre. It's mitmekülgsus and Excellent performance make It's ideal tööriistaks your car for cleaning and for maintenance.

It's mikrokiu kasutusvõimalused on lõputud. It's tihedad bristles and täiuslikult lõigatud servad make It's ideal which tahes värvihooldustöödeks . not depending on this, kas kasutate waxes, katteid or kiirdetailerit, on this microfibre Excellent hajutamise and by polishing , pakkudes at the same time protection scratch eest.

this is not aga It's võimaluste ending. textile- and nahkpolstrining sisustuselementide cleaning and servicing osutub this microfibre hindamatuks . It's gentle structure and ability effectively koguda dirt and dust garanteerivad, et also your car inside näeb perfect out.

even most nõudlikumad surfaces, like LCD- display or glass, pole It's mikrokiu . väljakutseks. It's unique quality bristles and exactly lõigatud servad protect scratch eest, leaving surfaces clean and shiny.

Mikrokiu highest quality and durability for preservation It is recommended pesta at temperature up to 40°C, avoiding kangapehmendajate and pleegitusainete using, which can It's toimivust negatiivselt mõjutada. Radiaatoritel kuivatamine and triikimine is not recommended, but kuivatis may julgelt to use õrna kuivatusrežiimi, which preserves It's algsed Features.

Kokkuvõtteks may öelda, et this õmblusteta with laser lõigatud microfibre is not easy tool, only important element each autohuvilise arsenalis, kes soovib to achieve täiuslikke results oma car servicing and cleaning. It's mitmekülgsus, durability and ability tagada safety at different on surfaces make It's your car eest hoolitsemisel asendamatuks.


Moje Auto was founded in 2004 and entered the Polish market with six basic car care products. Over the years, the product range has expanded, and now Moje Auto is a leading manufacturer in the market of car cosmetics and chemicals.

The quality of the products is confirmed by consumer research and product tests by Polish industry magazines. The portfolio of the brand is constantly expanding and includes care products necessary throughout the year.

Moje auto offers:
•    professional car cosmetics
•    coolants
•    car wipes
•    car accessories
•    car perfumes
•    cosmetics and accessories