active foam 4MAX (20KG) 1pc. for cleaning, Suitability: passenger, removes: oil; grease; määrdumine pealispinna

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Delivery: home 3-4wd
Products ID: 724867
Partnumber: 1305-01-0033E
Brand: 4max
active foam – cars
highly concentrated preparaat passenger cars mechanical for cleaning. Preparaadil on great rasvaärastusomadused. it is highest quality aktiivvahuga cleaner motor cars. Rikkalik foam removes effectively entire teereostuse. no muuda paints chrome-nikli, steel välimust etc. Preparaat on plastics and rubber seals . neutral, contains Corrosion Inhibitors. this Doesn't contain fosfaate, saves keskkonda.
apply active foam Washed surfaces survepesuri, sprayer or vahupihustiga.

passenger cars wash etc.
<5% mitteioonseid pindaktiivseid substances
<5% amfoteersed pindaktiivsed substances
<5% alifaatseid süsivesinikke
<5% Corrosion Inhibitors

instructions for use:
before using read through keemilise preparaadi ohutuskaart.
- 1:20 up to 1:10 with water - adjustable with holes washer - (sprayer, vahupihusti)
- without dilution - kõrgsurvepesuriga (vahttoru)
Apply foam car body, alustades ülalt. wait 5-10 seconds. wash stain off high pressure, alustades alt. rinse Washed body again, alustades ülevalt.
- vehicle is very thick stained coating coated siis before vahu using wash body high pressure all with water.
- strong stain repeat vahupesu or remove big stain mechanically brush or with sponge.